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Writer's pictureKaris Johnson

Simply Neci Boutique

Updated: Apr 6, 2023

Simply Neci is a black owned luxury clothing boutique that also provides custom-made services; such as tailoring, and dress designing for special occasions founded by Tynecia Davis.

Davis started sewing with her grandma and working on small projects and eventually ventured off to start doing her own projects.

Her grandma passed down a sewing machine that was owned by her great-grandmother, who passed away, so it carries a lot of sentimental value.

Starting the fashion design program at HCC also helped her expand her knowledge of the different techniques of sewing to be able to start an LLC by October of 2021.

With her business she strives to give everyone the amazing experience that comes with shopping down to the moment you open up your packages.

Davis created her business so that people could find affordable, but still fashionable clothing. Whether it’s for a night out with friends, a fancy dinner or just to feel beautiful

and confident.

Recently, Davis participated in the Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant and designed her own dress. Her mission: to improve her confidence.

Davis has so many aspirations for her future that she didn’t want the fear of public speaking to prevent her from embracing who she is or missing opportunities because she didn't have the confidence in herself.

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone,” -Roy T. Bennett

Davis strongly believes that you can't just stay in a box or be in your comfort zone if you want to grow, saying “there are many times when you will be scared to put yourself out there, talk to people, and network, but you have to push through that fear and believe in yourself.”

She was proudly voted Miss Congeniality by other contestants for her positive attitude and encouraging words.

Davis is currently working on creating a program named Fairy tale IRL, its catered to low-income families so that they will be able to attend prom without worrying

about some of the costs associated with prom.

It is essentially adopting one senior and making their prom gown as well as collaborating with a few friends to get their hair, makeup, and prom photos done.

She wanted to give her friends an opportunity to also promote their business and skills along with her.

She hopes to continue this program and help a lot of seniors. All while growing her business and owning a store in the future as well.

To shop and support:

Tik tok: snboutique


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