‘Politics, Governments, Economics & Global Policy’ all are individualistic topics, yet the average person may only consider the group of terms as ‘none of their concern’. The truth of the matter is, having an understanding of each one of the terms can offer the average person an advantage. There is a great advantage to knowing what your daily life will consist of in the 2 to 6-months. With that discovery, a person is granted knowledge that gives them the luxury of preparation; and as the “Five-P” rule implies “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance”.
Macroeconomics, more specifically, has the ability to inform you of your financial prosperity in the coming months relative to the ‘Business Cycle’. The Business Cycle is represented by periods of expansion or recession. A period of economic prosperity or ‘Expansion’ is characterized by a decrease in unemployment, an increase in GDP, and an increase in sales and production. Yet a period of economic downturn or ‘Recession’ is characterized by an increase in unemployment, an increase in the cost of living, and an increase in inflation. Both periods happen consecutively in the cycle, which allows a person the knowledge of what's to come.
Politics, Governments, and Global Policy however, are additives to the understanding of how the world around us works, operates, and plans to perform. Therefore, having accessibility to these topics and an in-depth understanding of them can prepare individuals in a way that no other source can. The possibility of misinformation is slim to none when you have prior knowledge of the topic, and having that information gives you an upper hand over most people who settle to be misinformed. I’m here to give you the opportunity to choose wisely.